3'5 x 5'8 Antique Caucasian rug #2253 / 4x6 Vintage Rug

Regular price $1,100.00

What makes old rugs so wonderful is not only that they are one of a kind, but each piece is a full expression of the weaver's own story and creativity, with a set design or pattern that she had in mind. They may have imperfections that add to their beauty and it is the pure & natural art form that makes these particular rugs so popular amongst many around the world.

The woman from the Caucasus tribe that created this piece used small scale design in a diagonal pattern with a tribal element repeating. In one corner, you can see a symbol of a comb element she left us, like a signature.

This rug is low pile and worn and from a woman with highly skilled hands as it is a tightly woven piece. It's from the late 19th Century. Please see pics for full character and condition. The underside has some glue to reinforce the rug and to prevent it from slits, tears or loss of wool. This rug is fully intact.

A custom cut rug pad will ship with this piece on the house so this rug from the Caucasus stays nice and snug.

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