Multi colored Paisleys, edgy-serrated leaves, pinwheels of life, floral art and more, this old Persian has many attractive elements going and a color story with divisions in its natural dyes that are enticing.
The last border of this well aged runner presents ice-y blue that meets sky blue, demonstrating that different batches of naturally dyed wool was used to weave and most likely, the woman who wove it ran out of one lot of wool and had to work in another to create this rug. We also see a narrow field filled with paisleys (seeds of life) on a dark space blue ground that is rich and its grounded with borders in camel-marigold and terracotta red framing it. This Persian is beautifully charmingly timeworn and will add a great deal of love and history to your home with its soulful being, vegetable dyed wool and marvelous art.
:: Please consider a rug pad for this old beauty, to keep it protected and wiggle free. Click below if you want to add one at BPR and we will custom cut it to size:
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