Afshar nomads hand wove this beautiful wool pile on wool foundation rug. It comes from a Persian tribal group that is known for their unique aesthetic and craftsmanship and Afshar rugs we cherish today hold up their legacy.
Afshar rugs are collectables as well, due to the scarcity of its kind, but we always have it well priced and at a great buy for a great piece of history over here at Blue Parakeet Rugs! We believe every home should be decorated with old rugs. :-)
It is low pile and floppy. You may want to add a rug pad for this beauty and to keep it in place. You can order it here and we'll custom cut it to size and send with order.
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:: To get inside info, sneak previews of rugs before they hit shop, and more inspo & history of old rugs, follow along on Instagram @blueparakeetrugs
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